Saturday, March 8, 2014

An Examination of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO stands for “search engine optimization” or “search engine optimizer”, and according to Search Engine Land, it is the undertaking of obtaining traffic from the free and organic listings on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Typically, SEO consultants/agencies provide website owners with services such as: keyword research, site structure/content review and development, online business development campaign management, specified market/geographic expertise, SEO training, and website development advise from a technical standpoint. It is recommended that one should hire a SEO company or consultant, upon planning to launch a new site or redesign a site. There are both ethical and unethical SEO businesses, so consumers need to do the proper research to ensure that they have hired the appropriate one. Unethical practices could include: promises of #1 ranking on a particular search engine, unsolicited email sent by the SEO company, deceptive or misleading content created on a client’s behalf, ownership of shadow domains that funnel users to a site by using redirects that are deceptive, offers to sell keywords in the address bar, and other deceptive black hat SEO techniques.

One example of a major SEO company is, whose clients include Dell and Mrs. Fields. This company has successfully been able to increase organic traffic, ranked keywords, and revenue for these companies and others through its methods of Internet marketing plans that are strategically based upon search engine optimization, search optimized web design, social media marketing, and conversion optimization, all used to dominate the client’s online competition. One example of how it affects the revenue of client competitors from a content provider perspective is the following: has been successful in facilitating almost a 200% increase in monthly sales for one of their clients in just a matter of months. This most certainly had to have put a significant dent in the pockets of that client’s competition, because obviously those customers have been lost to said competition. Based upon this client and others that has worked with, SEO agencies can certainly be beneficial in adversely affecting the revenue of competitors when one has a larger business. 

If one has a smaller business, the common sense opinion is that they would fare better to either hire a SEO consultant or DIY (after much research on the subject of SEOs), possibly because of a limited budget. When considering a choice of the type of SEO agency or consultant, or whether to utilize one at all; when building a website or if you have a business that incorporates the usage of the Internet for increasing revenue; one should definitely keep in mind that SEO strategies have increasingly become a significant part of business, for Internet marketing, over the past decade.

      Today, there are three pillars of a great SEO strategy, which are: publishing high-quality content that does not get ignored, ensuring that numerous people link to that content (link building), and capitalizing upon social media, which is now the most popular form of communication, especially online. Online social sites are the most common form of social networking, where people with common interests or friendships can communicate, share personal content and information, and make new contacts through current contacts they are linked to. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other significantly popular online sites are examples of social media that are highly used today by most everyone (young, old, personally, and professionally). Apparently, data from social media is currently being used as a search engine-ranking factor, since likes, shares, and tweets are being tracked and incorporated into ranking. Furthermore, Jason DeMers mentions in this article about the three pillars of SEO, that social media is an excellent tool for increasing dissemination, reach to other consumers, and the ability to be shared. 

      Regardless of what one’s business situation is, SEO strategy is extremely important due to the fact that we are in a digital age where the Internet is a critical part of any marketing plan. As such, it demands optimization of any avenues that can potentially enlarge a company’s customer base, and thereby possibly increase revenue streams. I recommend research of SEOs to anyone with a website or Internet business, and for those with a startup business, to watch this embedded YouTube video entitled “SEO for Startups in Under 10 Minutes”: 



  1. Excellent blog posting regarding the importance of search engine optimization. The article was very informative with a variety of enlightening hyperlinks about SEO. Good luck with your future projects!

    1. Dean,

      Thank you very much for your critique and comments on my post about SEO!


      Nia S. Adero
